Blog4NZ – Blog for New Zealand

March 22, 2011

To show your solidarity over the Canterbury/Christchurch Earthquake in New Zealand, do blog all about NZ if you have been there.

What is Blog4NZ?

Blog4NZ is a grass-roots effort on the part of the international travel blogging community to promote all that is good about travel in New Zealand, Canterbury and Christchurch. It is a worldwide blogging event that is running from the 21st to 23nd of March — the one-month anniversary of the quake.

Following the devastating earthquake in Christchurch on February 22 this year, New Zealand has been in shock. It’s going to take a lot of love and a lot of cash to help rebuild the city. Tourism makes up approximately 10% of New Zealand’s GDP and it is essential for the world to know that New Zealand is open for business, and that it doesn’t look like a war zone.

For more information, do visit their the Blog4NZ – Blog for New Zealand Facebook or website!

Meanwhile, check out my Travel posts on New Zealand.



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