Books Actually

March 27, 2011

Aha! I knew it. The minute I realised that 40Hands Cafe had opened in Yong Siak street, I had a sneaking suspicion more would follow suit. Where the hell is Yong Siak street you may ask? That’s precisely the point. Unless you live in the Tiong Bahru area, you most probably have never heard of Yong Siak street in your life! Or for that matter, Chay Yan street, Guan Chuan street and Kim Pong street!

I know of people who were laughing at where 40Hands Cafe had located themselves, and were betting on the number of months that 40Hands can last. Who is this stupid idiot who decided to open in such an ulu location? Want to die is it? Well, from the looks of it, they are thriving really well. So your best bet would be to keep in mind this Yong Siak street. I’m sure there will be more ”hip and young” type establishments setting up here soon. It could very well turn into the next Holland Village!

Yong Siak Street

You see, Books Actually has also recently opened in Yong Siak street, after relocating from Club Street. I had a quick look through the store after my cuppa at 40Hands. If you’ve never heard of Books Actually, the Partner has a good description of the place. Books Actually sells books that make you go Hmmm? It’s definitely not the usual type of bookstore. You will fine tomes here that you never knew existed. There are also lots of books on Singapore itself. I have to come back again soon to thoroughly browse through.

I didn’t leave the store empty handed though. I bought a $1.50 pencil with Sigmund Freud inscribed on it. I feel smarter already. Smile

Books Actually

Books Actually Interior of Shop

Books Actually Old Cash RegisterBooks Actually - Do not touch the typewriters!














Books Actually - Cactus in glass

I see a hand reaching up…Books, feed me books!

Books Actually

No. 9 Yong Siak Street, Tiong Bahru, Singapore 168645

Operating Hours : Weekdays  11am — 9pm   Saturday  10am — 9pm   Sunday  10am — 6pm

Books Actually Facebook

How to get to Books Actually

6 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. love how your partner is touching the typewriter with the do not touch sign there 😉 I love that mustard one with the round keys. Typewriters remind me of the piano because you have to use some effort to hit the keys.

    • Aha, he’s not really touching them. There’s like 1 cm of gap even though it doesn’t look like it. I love looking at typewriters, makes me think of a simpler time. I used to have one as a kid. Love jamming all the keys at 1 go. Ours was black, and supremely ugly or so I thought at that time.

  2. If I didn’t already have about 40 unread books I probably would have bought a few books to read from here.
    I’ve nothing against chain stores but there is always something more satisfying buying anything from an owner-retailer

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