Yahava Koffeeworks

December 16, 2011

Tucked away in an obscure corner of Singapore is the Yahava KoffeeWorks of Singapore. Yahava KoffeeWorks specialises in selling coffee beans, and specifically, this Yahava KoffeeWorks in Singapore is the branch of the main Yahava KoffeeWorks in Perth Australia.

When I was in Perth in September 2010, Yahava was one of my pit stops on my way back from Margaret River. The Partner, who loves his coffee and grinds his own coffee from beans sold by shops such as Yahava brought back a sackful last year. So upon realising that these beans had magically transported themselves to Singapore, we lost no time in paying the Yahava Singapore a visit.

Yahava KoffeeWorks is different from other coffee purveyors in Singapore in that they will assign you a barista (not sure if that’s the right term to use) who will then ask you for your coffee preferences and recommend you the relevant beans. All this takes place at a special area just for coffee tasting. The coffee is made fresh right in front of your eyes. For us, we tried up to 6 different types of coffee beans before making our choice. And guess what, all this is free!!!

Yahava Koffeeworks - Fahmi and Colleague

The people here are very friendly and eager to share their knowledge. Check out the 4, no wait 5, bags of coffee we bought plus a bottle of instant iced-coffee which I gave to my colleague as a house-warming gift.

Yahava Koffeeworks - Fahmi preparing the coffee samples

This is Fahmi, preparing the brew for us. He LOVES coffee. I think he mentioned that he drinks a gazillion cups a day. I’m not so sure whether that’s good for health, but certain, you’d want him as your staff if you own a coffee place.

Me at Yahava KoffeeWorks

That’s me enjoying my cuppa. As with wine, I’m not really good at detecting the subtle differences in flavour. I just have a generic light bulb that goes off in my head that says ”Mmmmm” when it’s the right one. Maybe I should attend some classes to get better at it.

Yahava Koffeeworks - Roasted Coffee Beans (3)

Sacks and sacks of coffee beans. Coffee beans can keep for quite a while if you don’t grind them up. Once ground, they can keep for only 2 weeks as they go sour. Same case for coffee that’s been in a pot for too long. That’s why I can never understand how people drink coffee-pot coffee that’s been sitting 2 hours, you know like at seminars and stuff.

Yahava Koffeeworks - Roasted Coffee Beans

La Costa Coffee Beans

Yahava KoffeeWorks (10)

$14 – $16 for 250gm. People tend to think that ”ang moh” coffee is more expensive than the kopi-o at the coffee shops. Well it’s true. But if you make your own coffee at home, each cup can be about $0.50.

Yahava KoffeeWorks (11)

Kintamani, Kahava, Black Gold, Zumo….there’s even one called X-rated….

Yahava KoffeeWorks (8)

Check out their big ass coffee bean roaster…

Yahava KoffeeWorks (5)

Instant bottled coffee if you so wish. I find it makes for good gifts. Christmas gifts anyone? Yahava sells some teas as well.

Yahava Koffeeworks Cafe Menu

They have a small cafe that serves mostly drinks.

Yahava KoffeeWorks (13) Yahava KoffeeWorks (6)

The art of aroma perception in coffee – Maybe I need to memorise this info…

Yahava Koffeeworks (2)

Now does this spell coffee lover or what.

Yahava Koffeeworks - Our Loot

My loot!

Yahava KoffeeWorks Singapore

4 Jalan Gelenggang
Singapore 578188
Ph 6554 7080
Fax 6554 7079



Open Daily 9AM – 6PM
Free Coffee Tasting from 9AM — 5PM

Directions to Yahava KoffeeWorks Singapore

They are in the Sembawang Hills Estate. Not to be confused with Sembawang. It’s apparently nearer to Ang Mo Kio.

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