Restaurant Week March 2012

March 25, 2012

Sunday 25 March 2012 last day of Restaurant Week for March 2012. Hope you have all made the best of it! If not, you may have to wait till October 2012 before Restaurant Week comes around again.

For those of you who don’t know about Restaurant Week, well Restaurant Week comes around twice a year. Participating restaurants (and they range from places like Equinox, Absinthe and Clifford to Tanjong Beach Club) will serve a 3 course meal for $25+++ for lunch and $35+++ for dinner. For super atas restaurants, an additional charge of $10 for lunch and $20 for dinner will be added to each diner.

Restaurant Week is the time to sample all the expensive restaurants you’ve always wanted to try but were scared to. $55 for dinner may sound a lot, but ala carte main courses at these place already cost $40 or more usually anyway, so you’re assured that at the very least, you won’t be paying more than usual for a 3 course meal on a normal day.

I went to Brasserie Les Saveurs at St Regis as well as Boathouse at Fullerton. Dinner at Brasserie Les Saveurs was absolutely delightful will stay in my memory for a long time to come. Lunch at Boathouse was nice, but slightly below expectations due to my ultra wonderful visit to Brasserie Les Saveurs. Will be blogging about the experiences very soon!

Actually, I’ve been to Restaurant Week once before, I believe in March 2011. That was to the German Restaurant Magma at Bukit Pasoh. Although the food was adequate, I found it to be very normal. I guess I was expecting the fact that it was Restaurant Week to mean that my meal would include something special, a more value for money meal or something. I just felt I was getting totally what I paid for. Turns out Magma Restaurant felt the same way about Restaurant Week and they are no longer a participating restaurant this time round. Not all restaurants are like that though. I totally felt I was getting more than my money’s worth at St Regis. But I have to admit it may be a gamble. Still, you’re unlikely to get less than what you paid for.

As I was saying, Sunday is the last day for Restaurant Week but there are still a few seats left so go make the most of it!

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