Just felt this urge to post something but I didn’t want to have to do a full length feature for now. Here’s some pictures of carrot cake consumed some time ago. Actually it’s not that fantastic and I’m sure there must be loads of places serving better carrot cake. But this stall is near my place, and for convenience’s sake, it’s quite okay. Do you know of any good carrot cake out there? I would love to try them out. Carrot cake aka Chai Tao Kuay is one of my favourite sinful local foods! But first, I need to amass some makan kakis to go try these stuff out. By the way, I happen to like the black one more than the white one.

Carrot Cake (2)

Carrot Cake (3)

Carrot Cake

PS: Carrot cake in Singapore refers to fried radish cake! Check out wikipedia if you want to know more!


  1. One of the best fried carrot cake (black) is at Changi Village. Really so yummy especially if you like the preserved radish.

    • I love carrot cake too! They damn good when you get a good cook, but average tasting ones I feel are not worth eating.

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