Cafe Reviews - Page 8

Au Chocolat Bistro

As promised, here is part 2 of the Au Chocolat write-up. I visited Au Chocolat a total of THREE times in the span of 1 week, BEAT THAT!!! The first time I was there, I was there with my BFF2012 to recce
September 28, 2012

Joe & Dough

Every time I walk pass a sandwich store or a cafe in town, I am reminded of the severely limited options available to me and my colleagues since moving to the new MapleTree Business City. Visitors to our office gush at how
August 27, 2011

Tea Cosy at Plaza Singapore

Interesting that this place still exists still. I’d thought it would be long gone, but Steph from The Girl at the Traffic Light Junction reminded me that Tea Cosy still exists.I find it quite weird and I can’t really put my finger
July 4, 2011
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