Shots Cafe

October 20, 2010

I have been eating so much lately, my shirt doesn’t even fit me anymore. Last week was the 1st time I wore that shirt and it was fine. Today, I felt as if I was being compressed within a tight capsule. If I continue on this trajectory, I may just pop a button.

But how can I help it when I’m been assaulted by good food? Yesterday I sinned again, at Shots Cafe no less. This Cafe I presume is against sinning since they had Joseph Prince’s book prominently displayed on their counter. Joseph Prince, if you didn’t know, is the famous pastor from New Creation Church. Yet people must sin here everyday when the cafe has so many decadent pastries and baked goods on display!

Shots Cafe - Chocolate Fudge Brownie (2)

This damn decadent and chocolatey chocolate fudge brownie here was the culprit, the catalyst! If you want chocolaty, this is 10 times better than Awfully Chocolate, you can be sure of that. It was as moist can be and the fudge was oozing all over the place. I ate 3 quarters of it and left 1 quarter for my friend, but only because I felt I had to be sociable. And, this only costs $5.50 instead of $7+ for the Awfully Chocolate cake.

Shots Cafe - Chocolate Fudge Brownie (4)

Shots Cafe - Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Mmmmmm chomp chomp chomp….



8 Ang Siang Hill, Singapore 069788

TELEPHONE : +65 6224 8502



7 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Hehehe… never read food blogs late at night or when super hungry….. That was indeed a very nice piece of brownie. Shots cafe is a nice place to chill out too!

  2. Truly that’s the way I like my chocolate products…..moist and with a generous fudge topping. I think of all the food porn you have on your site this one is the most enticing for me ;-p

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