Chef Icon Nature Bakery revisited

December 19, 2010

After having nasi beriyani and ayam penyet at the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station, our usual habit is to go for coffee next. The nearest place is either the Highlander, or Chef Icon. After last week’s disastrous trip to Arbite, where the coffee was so bad it’s best forgotten (I shall however post about it soon) I didn’t want to come up with more new places to visit. So it was back to the tried and tested.

We like Highlander, but the seating sucks there. It’s very crammed and almost always full. Chef Icon is just a few shops away and the coffee is also very good. In fact, Chef Icon buys its coffee beans from the Highlander, so the taste is almost the same. But, as mentioned previously, there is a little recessed room which is very nice to relax in while sipping the cuppa. Once again, Chef Icon was totally empty so we got the little room all to ourselves. I wonder why people don’t know about Chef Icon and rather squash themselves at the Highlander. People do know about Chef Icon’s chocolate Trovona cake though. I saw the stack of receipts the boss had at the cash register. One day’s worth of orders. Looked like at least 50 receipts!

Chef Icon - Flat

Damn good coffee flat white — $3.90

Chef Icon - Kaya PuffChef Icon (4)

Kaya puff thingy with sesame seeds. It was puffy, crispy, flaky, light, airy and damn tasty. Just wish there was more kaya in it!

Chef Icon - Seating Area

Read my earlier post on Chef Icon Nature Bakery.

Chef Icon Nature Bakery

5 Kampong Bahru Road

Singapore 169341

Order Hotline :93373900



Mon-Sat 8.30am — 8.30pm

Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays

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