Singtel Easy Mobile Plan – Win a 2 year plan worth $1,560!

September 28, 2014

November 2014 UPDATE:

After 3 months of trying out Singtel’s latest Easy Mobile Plan for free courtesy of Singtel, I’m seriously considering switching my current classic plan to the Easy Mobile Plan, just so that I can enjoy more units of data. In fact, I have not upgraded my phone in the longest time simply because I do not want to lose my 12 gig of data that I currently enjoy on the classic plan. But with the latest iPhone 6 constantly calling out to me, it’s getting harder and harder to resist. Should I????

Have you checked out the new Singtel Easy Mobile plan already? If you didn’t already know about it, you can read all about it here. I know, it all sounds a little strange at the beginning. After having lived with fixed plans for so many years, why would anyone feel the need to tweak their plans? What on earth is Tweaking anyway?

But here’s the beauty, you DON’T have to tweak the plans if you don’t want. But you HAVE the flexibility in built into the plan, such that should the need arise one day, you can!

And that’s what happened to me last month! I usually need very little call time and I spend most of my phone time whatsapping, instagramming or surfing the internet. But last month, my phone at home decided to go nuts! Instead of having to rush out to get a new home phone, I simply tweaked my plan to give me more call time. Easy peasy.

Now to get you started, how about a chance to win a 2-year Singtel Easy Mobile L plan worth $65 x 24 = $1,560??????? Simply visit this link here by 30 September 2014 and submit your ideas on how to make life easier!

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