NDP 2011!

Hope you all had a good National Day holiday! I spent mine catching up on work, urgh! Had 2 tickets for the 9th August NDP but I gave them to my parents instead. Here are some pictures I took from the NDP
August 11, 2011

Sunset at HortPark

After a gruelling Saturday back in the office, I rewarded myself with a dinner at the newly opened Vineyard restaurant that is located within HortPark. I’ve been to HortPark several times in the last few years. It is like a mini botanic
August 7, 2011

NDP 2011 Fireworks!

Was privileged to be able to obtain 2 tickets to the National Day Parade 2011 preview last Saturday. Even though I’ve been to the NDP quite a number of times, and I was actually fretting about whether to drag myself there again
August 6, 2011

Hosted on the Patio – Revisited

Actually, this is not the 2nd time I’ve been to Hosted, but rather at least around 10 times, thanks to the fact that there are very few restaurants around my office area. The last time I posted, it was for a colleague’s
August 1, 2011

South Coast at Marina Bay Sands

I can’t seem to escape from the allure of Marina Bay Sands, so when I heard about the new cafe South Coast that had opened there, I just knew I had to pay them a visit. Also happened to read about these
July 25, 2011
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