Scones - Page 3

Rose Veranda at Shangri-La (Sweets!)

This is a continuation of my recent visit to the Rose Veranda at Shangri-La. See for the write-up on the savoury afternoon tea items. The hallmark of a good afternoon tea service is good scones. The scones at Shangri-La passed the
December 21, 2011

Rendezvous Grand Hotel Singapore Afternoon Tea

*Media Invite* I haven’t had English Afternoon Tea for the longest time. It was a pleasant surprise when Ms Christina Tan, Marketing Manager of Rendezvous Grand Hotel Singapore after reading about my Afternoon Tea exploits, kindly kindly extended an invitation to me
December 12, 2011

Danishes in Denmark

Hello everyone! I’m now in Copenhagen! This city feels so much more city like as compared to Oslo. The buildings here remind me of London and Paris. The prices here are much better too. Food is almost half the cost of what
October 25, 2011

Oriole Cafe & Bar

Calling out to all scone lovers out there, I’ve found another good place to have scones! And this time it doesn’t involve having to step into a posh hotel nor spend a fortune on it. In fact, these scones can be found
June 30, 2011

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