Afternoon Tea at Conrad Executive Lounge

February 28, 2011


This is the 3rd year running that we’ve stayed at the Conrad. One of the delights in staying at one of the executive rooms is that you can get access to the Executive Lounge. If you’re on business or on holiday, you probably won’t stay long at the lounge. However, if you’re living in Singapore, it makes perfect sense. The whole day, starting from breakfast time all the way till 11pm, you can get drinks and nibbles. Breakfast, afternoon tea and evening cocktails are also provided. If you ask me, it’s the perfect getaway in Singapore. Take a book with you and just while away the time at the lounge. Every 15 minutes or so, order a new drink!

Conrad Executive Lounge (2)

Conrad Executive Lounge (3)

1st start off with a cold drink. For me, I chose the coke, but the Partner wasted no time in jumping straight for the alcohol.

Conrad Executive Lounge Hot Chocolate and Latte (2)

Next, go for a hot drink like hot chocolate or hot latte. Why not have a biscuit or 2 as well. I kinda like this picture because the cups look like they are floating in the clouds…

Conrad Executive Lounge Iced Chocolate and Beer

Don’t just stop at 2 drinks. While you are on a roll, order a 3rd one. Yes I really like the chocolate drinks at Conrad, hot or cold!


Conrad Executive Lounge - A wine for you Madam

Heck, why not just swipe the entire bottle. Within easy reach too!

Conrad Executive Lounge (13)

If you still have space, you can head for the afternoon tea spread….

Conrad Executive Lounge Diced Lobsters

Diced lobsters in some Asian tasting marinade. Delicious! I think I had about 5 of those…

Conrad Executive Lounge Tuna Finger Sandwiches

Mini Tuna Finger Sandwiches

Conrad Executive Lounge Chips and Cheese Dip Conrad Executive Lounge Chips and Cheese Dip (2)

No I don’t always go for the expensive stuff. I love these chips! I ate a whole bowl of chips plus a generous serving of the cheese sauce!

Conrad Executive Lounge Chocolates Galore

Nicely displayed chocolates, they always make me smile.

Conrad Executive Lounge (12) Conrad Executive Lounge Fruit Shortcake Overhead the staff gushing at how pretty this shortcake was, which I have to agree with.

Conrad Executive Lounge (5) Smoked Salmon, popiah, fried fish fingers…Conrad Executive Lounge

The lounge, just before it filled up for afternoon tea.



    • If I may say so, it is a great idea! Save on air tickets and stay in Singapore. We had a really good time!

  1. when I stayed at the Sheraton Tower Wing in Ho Chi Minh it was so much fun to get all that free flow at food and drinks at the lounge, so I know what you mean.

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